A Morning Light Strategy Report
Marketing to Gen Z AND Boomers
Insights & Strategies to Bridge the Generation Gap
Published: August 2024
There is enough common ground between Baby Boomers and Gen Z to develop effective marketing that resonates across both groups and bridge the generational divide.
Our latest insight report provides strategies for cross-generational marketing, as well as guidance on how to re-frame generational perceptions and avoid stereotypes in advertising.
Explore how both Baby Boomers and Gen Z consumers perceive their own generation, how they perceive each other’s generation, how they perceive themselves, and what that means for marketing and advertising.
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Key Takeaways Include:
1 / By focusing on shared values such as hard work, adaptability, financial security, and community, marketers can create campaigns that bridge generational gaps and appeal to a broad audience.
2 / Marketers can re-frame perceptions of Baby Boomers in advertising by highlighting their adaptability & continued relevance, showing respect for their experiences and values while also demonstrating openness to change.
3 / Marketers can re-frame perceptions of Gen Z in advertising by highlighting opportunities for genuine engagement & contribution in order to resonate with their self-perceptions as hardworking and motivated.
Morning Light Strategy is a participant in AgeTech Collaborative ™ from AARP®
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